Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Experimenting with a Bluebird nest box

We have a customer from Fort Wayne IN mounting our Magic Halo over a Bluebird nest box. As many of you know, HOSP invading birdhouses and terrorizing native birds already using them is very disheartening, to say the least. Victims most often include Swallows and Bluebirds.

Unfortunately, the University of Nebraska (who did the original studies on the efficacy of lines and a hoop device as they affect birds) did not officially endorse the Magic Halo for use in this application. You can read that study paper HERE (pdf).

Therefore, we cannot guarantee positive results in nest box applications. Despite that, our "test customer" is having wonderful success using the halo, having tried a "sparrow spooker" first without luck.

Stay tuned for more result updates as we learn of them!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Testimonial from North Andover, MA

"It seems to be working really well. Yesterday there were a few [HOSP] being a bit persistent around the halo but they didn't enter.  They are certainly pesky little birds. I also noticed them on my other bluebird feeder with mealyworms. I have 2 pair of bluebirds actively visiting that feeder so I wonder if I should get another one for that feeder? I take it you think it will not deter the bluebirds?" -- Josselyn

This is wonderful to hear! The Magic Halo is not known to impact Bluebirds; mainly House Sparrows. Thank you so much for the feedback, we hope to hear from you again soon!