Web version HERE. Includes:
- 2022 Survey is here! (only 3 Qs)
- As we enter our 4th year . . .
- Past links you may have missed
- Other News/Misc
Web version HERE. Includes:
A situation occurred recently where a customer purchased 3 Magic Halos, then due to efficacy issues, returned them for a refund. This is a reminder that new users should purchase one (1) Halo to start, in order to try it out first and make sure it works as expected. Though most of our customers are satisfied, survey feedback indicates that it doesn't always work for everyone. This may be purely contextual, or based on a number of factors that we continually try and explain. And of course, we have no way of knowing if these customers are confusing other brown birds. We continue appealing for feedback, and urge all buyers to participate in our survey.
As expected, about 85% of customers report that the Magic Halo is helping reduce or even eliminate House Sparrows (HOSP) at their feeder. This appears commensurate with Sialis' estimate of a 88-94% deterrence rate in Winter and 84% in Summer. To help disrupt juvenile adaptation, we recommend feeding only in Fall-Winter-Spring. See our most recent post on optimizing your Halo experience, based on our own and customer inputs.
If you haven't already, please take our all-new 2022 survey, just 3 questions. It is important that we keep a pulse on our customer's results in using this device. Thank you so much everyone!
After 5 years of using and 3 years of building and selling Magic Halos as a non-profit cottage industry, the most recent data shows that success is dependent on the following:
Read our Magic Halo User’s Guide for additional tips and advice. You can also join the Facebook groups House Sparrow Control and Birdhouses, Bird Feeders & Garden Designs for Native Species to share your experiences and seek the input of others.
To start 2022 in a good direction, let’s recap the most critical articles of the past few years. Some of our customers have passed the 3-year warranty point of their Magic Halo, and should be mindful of the toll that the elements may take on it. We carry all replacement parts at lower cost than retail from e.g. Lowes or Home Depot, available just by emailing us. Replacement wire sets are already offered on our products page. We will also have a Halo tune-up and safety check video coming out with the Spring edition of our newsletter. In the meantime, please review these past titles for anything that may help your bird-feeding and Halo experience: