Monday, January 4, 2021

2021 Magic Halo Efficacy Survey Has Arrived!

Our 2021 Magic Halo Efficacy Survey has arrived. Please click HERE. It's only 3 multiple choice questions, and 100% safe and secure.

Even if you just took the 2020 survey, we ask that you please take this one too, and anytime a new one is presented. This is your chance to record your results, positive or negative. You can also let us know if you have stopped using your Halo for any reason.

 Halo efficacy can vary over time. Like FeederWatch, your data helps determine how best to market the Magic Halo -- which in the long run helps wildlife conservation.

Before you begin, please be sure of what you are seeing, that you can fully identify House Sparrows (HOSP). Do the best you can to compare before vs after, with vs without using the Magic Halo.

Try not to count juvenile HOSP, which are immune to Halos and other lines and wire devices. These can be difficult to discern from adults as the Summer goes on, if you feed year-round.

Visit our website for articles, mods and additional products that may help you to improve Halo performance.

For all issues and inquiries, please contact us at: Thank you so much!

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