Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Magic Halo 2020 Survey

Our quest for Magic Halo results data continues for 2020 with a brief 5 QUESTION SURVEY. Past surveys have indicated that it does indeed help in deterring House Sparrows (HOSP) from bird feeders. With only about 15% participating, about 80% report 80-100% of HOSP deflected. The results can vary depending on where you live, level of infestation, abundance of nesting sites (juvenile count) and time of year.

Juveniles are usually immune to the Halo's presence, and HOSP can have multiple broods through August each year, Before participating, please read our updated Magic Halo Users Guide to ensure that yours is optimally configured. If you have any questions regarding HOSP identity, please read Sialis' Other Brown Birds. Your input is critical to the future of the Magic Halo as a viable sale item, or how we market it. Therefore, we must continue to collect data on its performance. We can't thank you enough!

Visit FeederWatch.org for a complete description and details about using halos with bird feeders.

1 comment:

  1. The Magic Halo completely solved my sparrow problem they had taken over my feeder now I get one only rarely.
