Our ZoHo Magic Halo Survey results appear to be strong, or about 85% of customers report that the halo is helping reduce or even eliminate House Sparrows (HOSP) at their feeder. This appears commensurate with Sialis' estimate of a 88-94% deterrence rate in Winter and 84% in Summer.
For those of you that don't already know, Survey Monkey grew intolerant of us "freeloading" (using the free version for years) and forced us to switch platforms as of February. If you were among dozens of customers who took the Survey in early 2021, and haven't already re-taken it, we hope that you will HERE. It is only 3 easy multiple choice questions with a comments section.
If you are among ~15% reporting poor or failed results, you can email us (include a photo of your feeder and halo, if possible) for troubleshooting measures that we hope will turn things around for you. Please be sure to read our User Guide first. admin@magichalo.org
As always, thank you so much! --Admin
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